Sunday, September 6, 2009

New policy lets students buy permits each trimester

While Prior Lake High School students are gearing up for the new school year, school officials are trying out a new parking permit policy that could make driving to school a little more affordable.

The new policy will allow students to pay for parking privileges in three installments, instead of making one payment at the beginning of the school year, said Assistant Principal John Bennett.

"We've always had people purchase for the entire year, but this time we're going to try letting them purchase a trimester at a time," said Bennett. "In these economic times, there are people who do not have $ 150 laying around, so this allows them to break it up into payments, and I think that's important for a lot of people."

The policy change should also help eliminate bookkeeping issues brought on by students wanting refunds, the assistant principal said. In the past, staff "had to cut through a lot of red tape" to issue refunds when students left school Halfway through the school year or when their cars broke down and they had to return to the Busing system, Bennett explained.

"Often times, we have a sophomore who doesn't get his license until later in the year, and so we've broken it down to just make it easier," he added.

In spite of the new, more relaxed payment options, the total price to park at the high school has actually gone up. Last year's permits cost students $ 105 for a year's worth of parking. Students last year I was unable to catch an additional break by opting-out of the School District Busing's service, bringing the total cost of an annual parking permit to $ 80th

This year, the district has institute an "opt in" program, meaning K-12 students district-wide have to notify administrators that they intend to use the service Busing, Bennett said.

When asked about the price increase, Bennett pointed to maintenance costs.

"Our prices are associated with our cost," he said. "The biggest cost is snow removal. That can cost anywhere from $ 60,000 to $ 100,000 [annually], depending on the snow and how many times they have to Plow. "

Parking permits would also help fund the school's five campus supervisors, who check the permits of vehicles Parked at the school and also help direct traffic before and after school, the assistant principal said.

"We're trying to keep [the price] reasonable," said Bennett.

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